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UCMAS is an Abacus-based Brain Development Program for children aged 4-13 years. With its unique Abacus technique, the UCMAS Program makes learning easy, engaging and exciting for children. As a result, UCMAS students turn out to be excellent in academics & extra-curricular activities.
In more than 80 countries, UCMAS has successfully empowered 3 million+ children with better skills & self-confidence to succeed.

How UCMAS can help your child?

Cognitive Skills developed by the UCMAS program:










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I not only recommend UCMAS to students, but I insist them to give it a shot because it has not only helped me to concentrate and focus better but increased my accuracy, speed, and memory. It was definitely a catalyzer in my JEE preparations. I believe that this program has contributed to my academics constantly since then

Aastha Upadhyaya

The best part about UCMAS is that it doesn't just help you with quick mental arithmetic- it also adds to other skills of an individual such as concentration, memory, the ability to multitask and withstand pressure! All of these virtues have helped me in my personal and academic life in ways I couldn't have imagined.

Raghav Shukla

Just not my math skills but undergoing the program has improved my concentration and observation skills too and to a great extent has enhanced my personality. My reflexes have improved. The immense focus, concentration and patience got me to qualify National level in Rifle Shooting in span of one-year practice only.

Resham Pachisia

Award Winning Program


UCMAS program promotes whole brain development, develops foundational skills like focus, listening and creativity and trains the next generation of leaders to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive environment.

The UCMAS program trains children using the Abacus as a tool and Mental Math as a medium. When children use both hands to operate the beads on the abacus, there is quick communication between the hands and the brain that stimulates more brain engagement. The program does not teach them with ready answers, in-fact it trains the child to find out of the box solutions by improving their critical thinking and motoring functions. And this is proven to raise confidence and esteem of the practicing student.

Our training method differs greatly from traditional mathematics. Just because your child struggles with math at school doesn't mean he/she won't do well at UCMAS. On the contrary, some of the most successful students have been those who had previously found math difficult. If a student is dedicated to the program, receives strong parental support and encouragement and persists through the initial training period, dramatic improvement in math & overall academics is guaranteed. This is confirmed by the many testimonials by UCMAS parents and kids.

Absolutely! A student who has already demonstrated advanced ability in mathematics will still benefit greatly from learning the Abacus method. UCMAS graduates learn new techniques and better understand how calculations work, enabling them to do their work faster and more accurately. That's powerful knowledge to take forward into secondary school and beyond. Plus, the whole brain development and life skills UCMAS fosters will help your child excel in any subject.

Not at all. In fact, the UCMAS program, at all times, is designed to help the students. A UCMAS child would be able to verify the answers using his or her mental math skills. Also, the program is an afterschool program and imparts the skill at a consistent and steady speed, which ensures that students can attend regular school schedule without any disturbance. However, the primary point to be understood is that UCMAS is a cognitive skills development program which enhances skills like Concentration, Observation, Memory, Imagination, Focus, etc. which will be a huge help to students in their academic performance.

The result of the UCMAS Mental Math program is not confined to arithmetic, performance, skills and competency only. The concept of thinking in pictures leads to better understanding and enhanced memory, which is the paramount for all academic studies. Thus, the results of this program can be witnessed in all subjects or areas of focus" meaning reading, sport, etc.

UCMAS is a cognitive skills development program which encompasses the three learning styles in its program delivery. The various components of UCMAS viz. Abacus, Flash Cards, Listening Exercises, etc. incorporates the three-learning style - Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetics/Tactile. UCMAS program singularly develops and enhances multiple mental faculties of a child, with a focus on whole brain development.

Yes, probably UCMAS is the only global Abacus and Mental Math academy that has been extensively researched upon by universities from across the world. Some of the reputed ones are: University of California, San Diego, Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Chicago, & Massachusetts Institute of Technology - from the USA. University of Manchester, & University of Ulster, Northern Ireland - from the UK, and University of Khartoum, Sudan, besides Shiraz University, Iran.