Riya Banerji
I got associated with UCMAS when I was in kindergarten. Eventually I went on to complete all the 8 levels. Initially, I was very averse to Maths and numbers and I feared them a lot but as I went on to practice more, I gained more confidence and started doing mental maths. My speed of doing calculations also improved.
When I was in 10th grade, this ability to calculate faster, mentally, helped me immensely. I could finish my math paper, which is one of the lengthiest out of all 5 subjects, well in advance. So, I fortunately had enough time to recheck my calculations and correct silly errors, if any. I believe that gave me an edge over others and I scored 100/100 in Mathematics and got an overall score of 99.40% in CBSE CLASS 10TH BOARD EXAM, which helped me bag AIR 2 in the boards.
Also, my concentration power increased after that course and that’s the reason why I have never considered sitting for long hours, studying, a burden. My grasping power has also increased along with my memory and so, I could learn all the concepts pretty well and retain them for a long time.
Definitely, UCMAS has played a huge role in my success and I am really glad that I joined their course when I was so young and completed it.
Moreover, this UCMAS course hasn’t been just about learning math and faster calculations, but coming in contact with my Gurus, Mishra sir and Mishra Ma’am, in whom I have found the best of mentors and well-wishers for myself.